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ProPac SCX and WCX 离子交换色谱柱 054995

ProPac 离子交换色谱柱
戴安提供四种聚合物基质的的离子交换色谱柱用于蛋白质的分离,每一种色谱柱都可以提供高效的分辨率以分离蛋白质的 异形体。可以对相差一个氨基酸碎片的蛋白质进行分离。

  • 产品型号:
  • 厂商性质:经销商
  • 更新时间:2023-09-13
  • 访  问  量:2695
SCX Analytical Columns
ProPac SCX-20 Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)074628
ProPac SCX-10 Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)054995
ProPac SCX-10 Analytical Column (2 x 250 mm)063456
ProPac SCX-10 Semi-Preparative Column (9 x 250 mm)063700
ProPac SCX-10 Semi-Preparative Column (22 x 250 mm)SP5522
ProPac SCX-10 Lot Select Column Set (4 x 250 mm) (1 Lot of Resin)SP5727
ProPac SCX-10 Lot Select Column Set (4 x 250 mm) (3 Lots of Resin)SP5728
SCX Guard Columns
ProPac SCX-20 Guard Column (4 x 50mm)074643
ProPac SCX-10G Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)054996
ProPac SCX-10G Guard Column (2 x 50 mm)063462
WCX Analytical Columns
ProPac WCX-10HT Analytical Column (4x 50mm)074600
ProPac WCX-10 Analytical Column (4 x 100 mm)SP5829
ProPac WCX-10 Analytical Column (4 x 150 mm)SP6703
ProPac WCX-10 Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)054993
ProPac WCX-10 Lot Select 3 Column Set (4 x 250 mm) (1 Lot of Resin)SP5512
ProPac WCX-10 Lot Select 3 Column Set (4 x 250 mm) (3 Lots of Resin)SP5513
ProPac WCX-10 Analytical Column (2 x 250 mm)063472
ProPac WCX-10 Semi-Preparative Column (9 x 250 mm)063474
ProPac WCX-10 Semi-Preparative Column (22 x 250 mm)SP5482
WCX Guard Columns
ProPac WCX-10G Guard Column (2 x 50 mm)063480
ProPac WCX-10G Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)054994


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